I was interviewed recently for a feature article in WOMEN OF WISDOM, an on-line magazine for women age 40 and over.
Their first question was: “What/who inspires you?” I told them:“My first and most important mentor was my big brother, Jerry Rose. He was an artist and writer and became a journalist in Vietnam in the early 1960s. He read poetry to me when I was a little girl and always encouraged me to write and to develop my skills. In 1965, he sent me a very long letter. I was just about to get married, and he wrote that it was important for me to develop my own professional career. This was in 1965—well ahead of the “women’s liberation” movement. My brother died in a plane crash in Vietnam—only about two weeks after I got that letter—he had sent me enough big-brotherly advice to last a lifetime.”
Here’s the link to the full interview on WOMEN OF WISDOM