We’ve come to Oceanside, CA, for an extended vacation—away from Minnesota’s ice, snow and extreme cold. We were here two years ago—just before our world turned upside down with Covid. We’re staying in the same building complex—right by the beach—lovely.
It is the same but different. Last time, we met lots of people at Tuesday morning gatherings—those don’t happen now. Some places our closed – like Ruby’s on the pier, where we used to go for root beer floats.
But the gardens and the ocean and the places to walk and the seals lolling by the harbor – all these are still here. We’ve been doing lots and lots of walking. On our first full day, we did 19,000 steps. I’ve also been doing some sketching. And we’re being naughty—eating ice cream and donuts… It’s the vacation excuse.
Even so, Covid makes things different. We wear K-95 masks anytime we’re indoors in public areas or even in crowds outdoors, like at the Oceanside Sunset Market with its international food booths. Of course, we were masked on the plane. I don’t know about you—but I find it really hard to breathe in a mask.
And more than just wearing masks—we’re cautious and anxious. The other day we were outside at a wonderful ice cream shop—we found high stools to sit on. Suddenly, a large group of children clamored onto the stools next to us. We quickly left!
Just imagine – we’re afraid of children! Instead of seeing their cute and smiling faces—what we see are creatures who are unvaccinated and therefore dangerous. The world really is strange. Let’s hope we are near the finish line.