I’m excited to tell you about a new book by my husband, Mark Fischer. The title is SERIOUS ABOUT RETIRING: A Practical Roadmap for a Healthier, Wealthier, Happier Retirement. He’s been working on this book for three and half years–and I’ve been working on it with him!. So we’re both excited that it’s ready to go out into the world.
If you’re thinking about retiring or have recently retired, you might find this book really useful.
Mark has helped hundreds of people make a successful transition to retirement both in his work with his financial planning clients and through his workshops at the University of Minnesota.
Part One is all about what your life can be like in your retirement years. With lots of stories and examples, he offers insights and information on a breadth of topics, including health, housing, travel, family and friendship.
In Part Two of his book, he covers financial issues: what investments to choose before and during retirement, how to manage a post-retirement budget, and how to limit your taxes. His discussion of these money issues is clear and straightforward. I learned a lot when I was editing it, and I think it’s a must-read for everyone!
He includes hypothetical case studies, based on his experiences with real people, to illustrate his topics–with my drawings. You can read more about Mark and order his book on his website: www.seriousaboutretiring