You should have seen us, with our day-packs and poles, hiking up mountains, through bogs, along cliffs, and on winding pathways next to rivers. In September we went hiking along the Northwest and Southwest coasts of Ireland. We were on two back-to-back Roadscholar hiking trips.
Do you believe in leprechauns? Ireland is magical. On our first day, we walked through a moss-covered forest where leprechauns were popping up all around us. Really.
Ireland is green and we were extraordinarily lucky—we had lots of gloriously sunny weather. We had a few misty days and one very wet day. But then there was a week of pure sunshine. Day after day, as we walked along incredible scenery in brilliant sun, our Irish guides kept saying, “This never happens…this never happens…”
Our guides were wonderful—lots of laughter as well as good information. We learned about the history of Ireland—both the recent troubles and ancient times. We visited stone structures that were built more than 3000 years and that pull in sunlight at certain times of the year. Magical.
Our fellow hikers were lovely people—friendly, interesting, and kind. I’m not a very experienced hiker. I walk slowly up and down on steep places. On this trip, I was often grateful for help from my companions.
Of course, I always had my sketch book, with my watercolor pencils, in my pack, and I stopped to do quick sketches whenever I had a chance. When I look at my sketches, I remember just where I was—I can still feel freshness of the Irish green and the warmth of the rare Irish sun.